Committee Meeting Report – November 2nd

November 4th, 2008, by Kent Larsen

Our New York City LDS History Committee met the evening of November 2nd for our normal monthly meeting. Good food and fun conversation helped us get through our agenda and make plans for the next few months. We discussed the status of our upcoming newsletter issue, the banners we have placed in the LDS buildings around the city, our walking tours, and upcoming newsletter issues and events. The principal decisions made include the following:

  • The next issue of the newsletter, the 2007 annual stake history report, should be published soon.
  • We will take down the banners from the various buildings in the stake for the holiday season. This will allow us to find some of the missing material, refurbish the stands and review how to place them so that they aren’t abused or disappear.
  • We will translate the 57th Street Walking Tour into Spanish and prepare the material on the downtown tour as a podcast. Each stop of the tour will be read by a different guide, and we will ask Richard Bushman to read an introduction.
  • We will continue work on the next newsletter, which will cover how LDS parents have raised children in New York City.
  • We will continue to work on various publicity issues, including trying to get information about our activities on the Stake calendar, the blogs of those in the stake, email lists, and get the word out to other stakes in our area.
  • We will ask the stake for time to hold a fireside in March (tentatively March 16th) to show the New York City LDS History video that Scott Tiffany prepared and to launch the podcast of the walking tour. By this time we hope to have prepared a permanent poster for the walking tour for each building in the stake, indicating both when the next scheduled walking tour will be held and where members can download the walking tour brochure and audio file so that they can take the tour themselves.

The next meeting is planned for December 7th.

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