Immigration Mis-representation

By Kent Larsen

This week I pulled source articles from the New York Times database and found an interesting difficulty that the LDS Church’s immigration agents faced in 1890. US Immigration authorities threatened to deny entrance to Mormon immigrants that year, as a series of 6 articles in the New York Times demonstrates.

Read the rest of this entry »


4 Harlem Videos on YouTube

By Kent Larsen

4 videos about the Church in Harlem that were added to YouTube about a month ago. The videos were done by a non-Mormon Brazilian graduate student at Columbia University (I assume in Journalism)

While perhaps not as researched as many on this list would like, they do include a brief overview of the history of blacks and the priesthood, and include appearances by both Richard and Claudia Bushman.

So I’ve embedded them in the NYC LDS History website:

Please feel free to pass this on to whomever you think would be interested.


Next Meeting June 1st

By Kent Larsen

The next meeting of the New York New York Stake History Committee will be held on June 1st at 6:30pm at Glen Nelson’s home, 457 West 57th St #601.

As always, we request that those attending bring a dish of food.

We will make the agenda for the meeting available ahead of time, as usual.


Better Communication

By Kent Larsen

Beginning this blog about the History of the LDS Church in New York City is all about communication. Run by a committee in the New York New York Stake of the LDS Church, this blog is an attempt to communicate better with those interested in our work and in LDS Church history in New York City.

In addition to regular updates on the status of the research we are conducting and materials we are preparing for publication, this blog will include notices of the events we sponsor (such as the walking tours we hold at least twice a year), reminders of our monthly committee meetings and links to new issues of the newsletters we publish as they are released.

If you want to keep up with the research our committee does, we suggest that you either subscribe to the rss feed for this blog, register on the wiki, or join one of the email lists where we regularly post updates about our projects.

Please don’t hesitate to comment if you have any questions.