Posts Tagged ‘Eastern States Mission’

Presidents of the Eastern States Mission and New York City Immigration Agents

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

In his Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Andrew Jenson gives a list of the mission presidents of the Eastern States Mission, which generally had its headquarters in New York City, as the following:


Perhaps we’re not alone in this

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

I came across an interesting blog post this past week, some brief notes about the stay of Charles Henry Crow in New York City in 1856-1859. I’ve asked for further information from the author of the post, hoping that the information will give us further insight into what the Church was like in New York City while the Eastern States Mission was closed for a few years. The mission was reopened again in the early 1860s, and then closed for nearly 30 years until 1893.


Confusion Over Mormon Churches in New York City

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

This past weekend as I added newspaper articles to the website, I came across a fascinating story about the divorce of the Glovers in 1892. The initial article mentioned that the couple attended the Mormon Church that met at Rockaway Avenue and Fulton Street. Here, I thought, was more evidence of LDS Church meetings before the Eastern States Mission was reopened in 1893.
